On Facebook I recently commented that I am thankful for both my natural mother and other mothers in Israel who have been a blessing to me along life's journey. The term 'mother in Israel' is rarely used in our modern vernacular. So what does this phrase mean?
The term is taken directly from the Bible. Specifically, it is a term that the judge of Israel, Deborah used to describe herself (Judges 5:7). What does this title entail and how was she qualified to take this title? While not comprehensive, I offer a few reasons:
First, she was a woman who was willing to actively uphold and defend the cause of the LORD in a time of great apostasy. Apparently, the nation of Israel was in such a state of spiritual decline that there were no men with the fortitude to stand for the righteousness of God. But this woman was unwavering in her defense of the truth. When the enemy threatened hearth and home, she zealously met him in battle.
Second, Deborah was quick to acknowledge that the sovereign God of Heaven was her (and Israel's) deliverer. She understood the timeless truth that the Lord was the source of her strength. Although she occupied a position of great authority, her perspective was never skewed. Judges chapter five is the song that she wrote to chronicle this truth.
Lastly, she inspired others to abandon their lackadaisical attitudes and fight for the cause of the Lord. The other elders and warriors of Israel were seemingly resigned to defeat because of the military superiority of Sisera and his army. This did not deter Deborah. She mustered the warriors of Israel and a great victory was given by the hand of the Lord.
The time that Deborah lived is not unlike our current situation in America. Many of God's people are at best lukewarm in their dedication to the Lord. At worst, they have altogether abandoned the doctrinal truths and moral compass of scripture. We need modern-day mothers in Israel to exhibit a willingness to stand in the gaps and model the characteristics of Deborah of old!
I am thankful for a handful of godly women that were willing to challenge and encourage me to seek the Lords will early in my journey as a disciple of Christ. Their patience and example are still a blessing to me today! I also appreciate those that continue to faithfully encourage and expound unto me the way of God more perfectly.
Sisters, you have an amazing privilege/responsibility/opportunity to serve as a modern-day mother in Israel. Whether in the local church, home, or community you can serve as a godly motivator to many in this day of spiritual decline. Perhaps you might be used of the Lord to encourage a revival in one or more of the previously mentioned areas. The Bible, both Old and New Testaments are replete with ordinary women manifesting extraodinary influence by God's grace. Never sell yourself short as far as your usefulness in the Kingdom of God. Our society needs you to stand up for the truth, acknoweldge God's sovereignty, and motivate others to fight the good fight of faith!
To those that are standing in the gaps and fufilling this role, thank you. The Lord's church will be better off because of your efforts!
I encourage you to re-read Judges 4 & 5 for more information on this incredible woman.
Brother Michael, I am really looking forward to reading your reflections, thanks for letting us know on FB that you are writing again. Also, thank you for this teaching about Mother's in Israel. There is a dear sister that I am very close to who never had natural children, but you explained her exactly and I will be sending her a card to let her know how much I appreciate the Lord allowing me to know her! Say hello to Sarah for me (I hope she had a nice mother's day) :) ~Kelly
Thank you for the encouragement. I have enjoyed your blog as well. We have been thinking about and praying for you guys. I am sure that brighter days are ahead!
thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
I appreciate your thoughts. I'm to preach a funeral for a lady who can rightly be called a mother in Israel and your three points describe her pretty well.
Very encouraging! As a woman who is trying to stand firm for God, meeting with intense opposition or lukewarm/cold apathy, I never realized what a mother in Israel ment and this has encouraged and inspired me immensely. Thank-you!
After researching for deeper clarity for the term "mother in Israel" your blog has been a real Godsend! Thank you for such clarity about Deborah, the prophetess. Seeing that "mothers in Israel" have been traditionally and more naturally viewed as childless seasoned women being blessed with "spiritual children" your blog was insightful to give spiritual insight into her calling and fiery spirit before Israel. Deborah is a true a prophetic picture that sets a biblical precedent for today's "mothers in Israel" in Christ to seek their calling to ministry in this hour! Bless you Bro. Michael
Hi, Our church is having a women's retreat on extraordinary women of the Bible. Your post about Deborah has really inspired me. Do you mind if I read it to my ladies at our retreat next week?
Thank you so much for this topic, was just googling to know more about mother in lsreal then l came across your write up,am so inspired to do more in my little way of taking and making people love and follow Jesus, l ask for grace to be among the modern day mother in lsreal.
Excellent summary. Was googling "mother in Israel for background to prepare Mother's Day msg. and came across it!
Just found your blog...it is now June 2018. Was searching for bible info on mothers in Israel. Your blog was such an encouragement as I am an elderly widow, licensed minister and Sunday school teacher. And wishing I could encourage women to get involved and expect revival in these last days. Praying for God's leading in a healing ministry. Excited over all the young women in the pulpit ministry. Blessings. Hope to find more of your writings. Maureen Alber
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