Monday, May 16, 2011

Recovering Sunday

Over the past few Sundays I have been speaking on the importance of being a part of a local body of believers. The significance of being actively involved with the church has been greatly diminished over the past few generations. Much of our culture is so focused on ‘self’ that it no longer views the church as needful. Such comments as, “I can worship God at home just as well” or “organized religion is a relic of the past” are often bandied about. But if we are going to obey God’s word, we cannot deny the requirement to assemble ourselves together with other people of like precious faith.

In light of this truth, we should consider the following verse:

Eph 5:25 - Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

This is a marriage verse, right? Sure it is! But don’t miss the second portion of this passage. Namely, that Christ loves the church.

There are a plethora of excuses offered up for quitting church. Some are more valid reasons than others. We are busy. We are tired. We grow complacent. We get offended. Others say/do things that hurt us to our core. So we quit!

I encourage you to put yourself in Jesus’ shoes for a moment. How was/is he treated by his bride he church. Oftentimes we are disobedient, hurtful, adulterous, and inconsiderate to our Heavenly Redeemer. In the eternal sense, it was our sins for which he suffered, bled and died. If anyone ever had a reason to turn his back on the church, it is Jesus. Yet, he loves the church and sacrifices for her. I recently read the following quote that drives this point home:

'On earth she is often in rags and tatters, stained and ugly, despised and persecuted. But one day she will be seen for what she is, nothing less than the bride of Christ, 'free from spots, wrinkles or any other disfigurement,' holy and without blemish, beautiful and glorious. It is to this constructive end that Christ has been working and is continuing to work. The bride does not make herself presentable; it is the bridegroom who labours to beautify her in order to present her to himself.'
Pretty cool huh? We should strive to love the church as Christ does, warts and all. Find a church that adheres to the simple biblical pattern of the NT church. Surround yourself with fellow believers that will love you unconditionally and hold you to the standard of God’s word. Such is needful in the perilous times in which we live. If you have been mistreated by others, give the church another chance. Lord knows, we have been forgiven numerous times. If you are not able to 'bloom where you are planted' do whatever it takes to put yourself in a position to be an active part of the Lord's church. Love it as HE loves it!

Have a wonderful week!

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